Gesta-Cure Inj.

The Natural Way To Maintain Pregnancy
Composition :- Progesterone 300mg. (Natural Micronised) Injection I.P.(Vet)
Presentation:- 3ml. Amp. with syringe & needle.
  • Habitual & Early Abortions: Progesterone exerts block on uterine muscle, so prevent contraction of uterus, hence preventing abortions.
  • Prolapse of Uterus & Vagina: High level of oestrogen cause excess contraction of genitalia. This is controlled by Progesterone, preventing prolapse
  • Prevents early embryonic death due to progesterone deficiency.
  • After artificial insemination: Gesta-cure helps in preparation of uterus for implantation of fertilized ovum Coils and thickens endometrial glands and produces uterine secretions that are essential for the nourishment /nutrition of oarly developing embryo. Aids in nitation of fertilized ovum.
  • Large Animals 300 mg. Amp.
  • Through Deep intramuscular use