A Powerful anti spasmodic & Analgesic Injection
Composition: Each ml. contains: Piroxicam 10mg. + Pitofenone Hydrochloride 2 mg + Fenpiverinium Bromide 0.02 mg

Each Bolus Contains

  • Prolapse of uterus- Vagina & Rectum
  • Spasm, Colic
  • Abdominal pain due to diarrhoea
  • Painful Condition :- Dystocia, Torsion
  • Reterntion of placenta
  • Straining & Tenasmus
  • Relaxes the smooth Muscles
  • Reduces pain due to abnormal temp.
  • Adjuvant therapy in surra
  • I.M. route only
  • Large Animals 20-30 ml. or as per the recommentdation of veterinarian